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key signature是什么意思

发布时间:2021-01-22 作者: 英语查

key signature 是什么意思


key:    n. 礁,暗礁(=cay, quay)。
signature:    n. 1.签名,署名,画押,盖章。 2.【音乐】记号〔调 ...
the sharps or flats that follow the clef and indicate the key

In musical notation, a key signature is a series of sharp or flat symbols placed on the staff, designating notes that are to be consistently played one semitone higher or lower than the equivalent natural notes unless otherwise altered with an accidental. Key signatures are generally written immediately after the clef at the beginning of a line of musical notation, although they can appear in other parts of a score, notably after a double barline.


1.The wave motion bears the key signature imparted by the nature and extent of the source .

2.Will remove the key signature block

3.This last may also be in a key signature to show changes in key

4.This is because the key signature contains a hash of the file , and modifying the file renders the hash invalid

5.The third party uses the message , the key signature and the known public key to verify the source as trusted

6.A key signature is placed at the beginning of a piece of music or of a section to indicate the key of the piece or section

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